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New Year Journey Ahead: A Reflection from The Carpentries Executive Director

Dear Carpentries Community,

As we settle into a new year, I sincerely thank you for the incredible journey we’ve shared and the impact we’ve collectively made on the lives of data enthusiasts globally. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our mission, vision, and values.

Reflecting on the past year, we’ve faced challenges that tested our resilience (e.g., staffing changes). We have also celebrated milestones (e.g., The Carpentries’ 25th Anniversary) that showcased our Strength through Diversity. In these moments, the core values of The Carpentries shine through, reminding us that we are indeed the leading inclusive community teaching data and coding skills.

In 2024, our commitment to Act Openly will guide us as we endeavor to turn adversity into opportunity. You can expect monthly community sessions hosted by me through June, where I will share progress towards our long-term financial sustainability and strategic plan through 2025. We are Always Learning, and we want to share what we learn and how it will shape The Carpentries going forward. Please subscribe to our Community Calendar, Newsletter, or TopicBox if you have yet to subscribe, as you want to ensure you get all the content we plan to share this year.

A tree does not move unless there is wind. In the same way, our lives often require challenges to spur growth and meaningful change. As we enter 2024, we embrace challenging opportunities (“chopportunities”) with open hearts and minds. We will continue to innovate, collaborate, and champion People First.

This year, let The Carpentries community be a catalyst for positive change and a testament to the extraordinary impact a united community can achieve. Our shared vision is Inclusive of All; we will achieve even more significant milestones if we work together.

Thank you for your dedication, passion, and unwavering belief in the power of data. As we embark on this new year, let us Empower One Another and Value All Contributions to create a lasting impact in open science.

I wish you a joyous New Year filled with Community Collaboration and Access for All.

In service,

![Kari L Jordan signature]({{ site.urlimg }}/blog/2023/12/2023-12-07-kari-signature.png)

Kari L. Jordan, PhD
Executive Director

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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