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Introducing The CarpentryCon 2022 Keynote Presentations

CarpentryCon 2022 is nearly here! We are very excited to present the work of the CarpentryCon Task Force and our community.

In this blog post, you will find the titles and abstracts for the four keynote presentations at CarpentryCon. ES indicates a session presented in Spanish and EN indicates a session presented in English. All sessions will include English captioning and may include additional translation services as requested through registration.

You can also access the full list of sessions at the 2022 CarpentryCon website

Keynote Presentations

Data literacy - the key to a broad adaptation of Open Science and the FAIR principles (EN)

Date: 1 August, 7:30 UTC
Session Lead: Konrad Förstner, Professor for Data and Information Literacy, ZB MED - Information Center for Life Sciences and TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences

In all research domains, the ongoing digital transformation is currently changing how science is conducted. Rapidly growing quantities of data, as well as metadata, are produced, processed, analyzed and archived. Besides this, further research results, including software and models, are published and shared. The broad recognition and adaptation of Open Science and the FAIR Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) lead to more transparency, reproducibility and reuse of such items. On the other hand, this also generates new requirements regarding skills to handle these items adequately. This makes data literacy, with all its diverse facets, a key skill for basically every researcher and people supporting research activities like data steward. Since their beginning, the three lesson programs of “The Carpentries” (Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry and Library Carpentry) have been developing training material, teaching methods, and, most importantly, building a community for bringing these skills to the people.

In this talk, we will shed light on the ongoing implementation of Open Science and the FAIR principles in different disciplines and present opportunities and challenges. Furthermore, we will discuss how “The Carpentries” help different scientific communities acquire needed data literacy skills to improve the quality of their research.

Logrando el cambio que queremos de a una conferencia a la vez (ES)/Achieving the change we want one conference at a time (EN)

Date: 1 August, 15:00 UTC
Session Lead: Yanina Bellini Saibene, Community Manager, rOpenSci

Las conferencias son espacios para aprender, actualizarse, conocer y conectar con más personas y compartir nuestro trabajo. Pueden ayudar a definir trayectorias profesionales y crear colaboraciones duraderas y nuevas oportunidades. Sin embargo, la participación y las oportunidades disponibles en una conferencia no son iguales para todas las personas por aspectos ajenos a su calidad académica y profesional. En esta charla voy a compartir acciones concretas que podemos realizar para cambiar el panorama de los eventos que organizamos con el objetivo que sean más inclusivos y diversos. Voy a compartir ejemplos concretos de aplicación de estas prácticas en eventos locales a internacionales, tanto en modalidad presencial como virtual e híbrida y los resultados obtenidos tras 20 años de organizarlos. Espero que estas experiencias nos permitan iniciar una conversación para repensar cómo superar los desafíos actuales y generar opciones que incrementen la inclusion y la diversidad en las conferencias. Les invito a que cambiemos el mundo de una conferencia a la vez. Sin prisa pero sin pausa.

Conferences are spaces to learn, update, meet, connect with more people, and share our work. They can help define career paths and create lasting collaborations and new opportunities. However, the participation and opportunities available at a conference are not equal for all people due to aspects unrelated to their academic and professional quality. In this talk, I will share concrete actions we can take to change the landscape of the events we organize to make them more inclusive and diverse. I will share concrete examples of the application of these practices in local to international events, both in face-to-face, virtual and hybrid modalities, and the results obtained after 20 years of organizing them. I hope these experiences will allow us to start a conversation to rethink how to overcome the current challenges and generate options to increase inclusion and diversity in conferences. I invite you to change the world one conference at a time. Slowly but steadily.

Panel - The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance: Their Importance and How they are Being Applied (EN)

Date: 1 August, 23:30 UTC
Panelists: Dr Stephanie Russo Carroll, University of Arizona Dr Joslynn Lee, Fort Lewis College

The FAIR Principles were published in 2016 to provide guidelines for optimizing data reuse by making it more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. In 2020, the CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance were formally published to provide additional people- and purpose- centric guidelines to apply to data in tandem with the data-centric FAIR guidelines. These principles ensure collective benefit for Indigenous Peoples that Indigenous Peoples have authority to control and govern their data, that data users understand their responsibility to nurture respectful relationships with Indigenous Peoples from whom data originate, and that data users apply ethics in data practices through representation and participation of Indigenous Peoples. The CARE Principles provide a process to address the tension that can exist when practising open science while seeking to respect Indigenous data sovereignty and governance. Within The Carpentries, a fully open community may conflict with our values of “inclusive of all,” “community collaboration,” and “strength through diversity” if we are not actively promoting and applying the CARE Principles alongside the FAIR Principles in all that we do. This panel will include an overview of the CARE principles from the authors of the publication, examples of its application, and will include discussion around how the community can effectively facilitate the adoption and application of these principles within The Carpentries and across the open science community. The intended audience for the session is all members of The Carpentries and adjacent communities, where awareness and application of these principles can have significant impacts on a global scale.

Radical Self-Care: Creating “joy lists” to connect with the good in our lives (EN)

Date: 8 August, 14:00 UTC
Session Lead: Kari L. Jordan

Audre Lorde, feminist, librarian, and civil rights activist, once stated, “caring for myself is not self-indulgence; it is self-preservation.” The importance of having wellness and radical self-care resources readily available to our community will help to mitigate the impact of the uncertainty and stressors we deal with daily as we work to collaborate and contribute to The Carpentries mission. During this keynote, Kari invites us to identify and connect with the good things in our lives by creating “joy lists’’. You are encouraged to bring something to write with and participate in this keynote in a comfortable environment.

Table of Contents

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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