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Why Should You Sponsor CarpentryCon 2018?

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

The inaugural CarpentryCon 2018 will take place on 30 May-1 June at University College Dublin.

Planning is now well underway. We have chosen a venue and a date, identified keynote speakers, and roughed out a program, but we are still missing one vital piece:


Why sponsor CarpentryCon?

CarpentryCon 2018 will teach the practical skills people need to lead 21st century research within academia and industry.

Without the generosity of sponsors who support and share our vision, we will not be able to deliver the event our community needs, one that can deliver real benefits to your industry.

  • Help us keep registration costs low so people aren’t priced out of attending
  • Help us maximise participation by people from diverse geographies and communities, including the global South
  • Help us provide travel scholarships to allow as wide an audience as possible to attend.

By supporting us, you will help skill up the next generation of research leaders, people who will attend CarpentryCon to develop the skills needed to lead 21st century research, whether that be in academia or industry. In return for your support, we can promise you a number of benefits.

See the full listing of sponsorship opportunities or Express interest/start a conversation through this form

What benefits can we offer you?


Your name, your product, your service can all be part of our event marketing. Get your logo on our website, our T-shirt, our poster, our conference slides, and on all our promotional materials, including social media and email channels. Leading sponsors will get conference time to air their messages, and will be able to send emails to delegates.


We will provide exhibition space to allow you to showcase your offerings and network with delegates during the three days of CarpentryCon. You can demo products or services, give away swag, and start some great conversations.

Our audience

CarpentryCon’s diverse audience will include graduate students, early career researchers, senior academics, lab and project leaders, software engineers, people in tech and other industries, and more. We expect people to come from all round the world to attend this signature event.

Finding people to join your company

Many graduate students and early career researchers make the jump from academia to industry. What better place to find your next staffer than at CarpentryCon where people have come along to grow and sharpen a diverse range of skills?

Meeting your needs

Not sure any of our packages work for you? We will tailor a sponsorship package that exactly fits your needs. All you have to do is ask!

Contact Belinda Weaver or SherAaron Hurt to discuss your options.

What is CarpentryCon all about?

CarpentryCon 2018 will skill up the next generation of research leaders.

This might mean learning advanced R or Python, skilling up on High Performance Computing, or figuring out how to lead a lab or a big research project. Sessions will be hands-on, and attendees will leave with practical skills they can immediately use in their research or careers.

The Carpentries teach introductory material - enough to get people started with coding and data science tools. But to innovate, researchers need more. Our people want to hear about tools or services that can take their research to the next level.

Who or what are the Carpentries?

CarpentryCon 2018 is a joint initiative of The Carpentries, the joint project of Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry. A non-profit project that teaches researchers foundational computational and data science skills, The Carpentries have taught more than 34,000 researchers worldwide.

Within the worldwide research community, The Carpentries have great ‘brand’ recognition and many supporters, including a large number of member organisations, both in academia and industry, who underpin our work financially.

We hope CarpentryCon 2018 will spread our message further and wider than ever before. Be part of that message.

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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