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A New Lesson Template, Version 2

  1. We need to explain how this template supports student experience, quality lesson planning, etc. It's not clear now how compliance with these Markdown formatting rules will help improve teaching and learning.
  2. The template needs to be much simpler. As Andromeda Yelton said, "It just looks to me like a minefield of ways to get things wrong—things that have nothing to do with pedagogy..."
  3. There needs to be a validator that authors can run locally before submitting changes or new lessons. (The proposal did mention that make check would run bin/check.py, but this point needs to be more prominent.
  4. Every topic should have at least one challenge, and challenges should be explicitly connected to specific learning objectives.
  5. We need a clearer explanation of the difference between the reference guide (which is meant to be a cheat sheet for learners to take away) and the instructor's guide (which is meant to be tips and tricks for teaching). We should also suggest formatting rules for both.
  6. The instructor's guide should explicitly present each lesson's "legend", i.e., the story that ties it together which instructors gradually reveal to learners.
  7. We need to decide whether the instructor's guide is a separate document, or whether there are call-out sections in each topic for instructors. The former puts the whole story in one place, and helps updaters to see the whole thing when making changes; the latter puts it in context, and helps updaters check that the instructor's material is consistent with the lesson material.
  8. Every topic should explicitly list the time required to teach it. (We should do this for topics, rather than for whole lessons, because people often don't get through all of the latter, which makes timing reports difficult to interpret.)
  9. We need to make it clear that lessons must be CC-BY licensed to permit remixing.

With all that in mind, here's another cut at the template—as before, we'd be grateful for comments. Note that this post mingles description of "what" with explanation of "why"; the final guide for people building lessons will disentangle them to make the former easier to follow.

Note also that Trevor Bekolay has drafted an implementation at https://github.com/tbekolay/swc-template for people who'd like to see what the template would look like in practice. There's still work to do (see below), but it's a great start. Thanks to Trevor, the other Trevor, Erik with a 'k', Molly, Emily, Karin, Rémi, and Andromeda for their feedback.

To Do

  • Some people suggested getting rid of the web/ folder and have lessons load CSS, Javascript, and standard images from the web. This would reduce the size of the repository, and help ensure consistency, but (a) a lot of people write when they're offline (I'm doing it right now), and (b) people may not want their lessons' appearance to change outwith their control.
  • We need to figure out how example programs will reference data files (i.e., what paths they will use). See the notes under "Software, Data, and Images" below for full discussion.
  • Trevor Bekolay writes:
    I took a stab at implementing a minimal motivation slides. Unfortunately this isn't very clean right now; I just included the <section> and <script> tags in the Markdown, which I know we want to avoid. I initially had the slides in a separate Markdown file, which is possible with reveal.js. There are a few weird things with this though, which we may or may not be able to fix, since we're limited in what we can do with Jekyll. Briefly, we can have the slides.html layout do something like this:
    <div class="slides"><section data-markdown="{{page.path}}" data-separator="^\n\n\n" data-vertical="^\n\n"></section></div>
    The only wart with this is that the Markdown file (i.e., page.path) doesn't get copied to _site. I couldn't figure out a way to do it using vanilla Jekyll, but it might be possible. Even if it does get copied, however, we might have to strip out the YAML header.


  • A lesson is a complete story about some subject, typically taught in 2-4 hours.
  • A topic is a single scene in that story, typically 5-15 minutes long.
  • A slug is a short identifier for something, such as filesys (for "file system").

Design Choices

  • We define everything in terms of Markdown. If lesson authors want to use something else for their lessons (e.g., IPython Notebooks), it's up to them to generate and commit Markdown formatted according to the rules below.
  • We avoid putting HTML inside Markdown: it's ugly to read and write, and error-prone to process. Instead, we put things that ought to be in <div> blocks, like the learning objectives and challenge exercises, in blocks indented with >, and do a bit of post-processing to attach the right CSS classes to these blocks.
  • Whatever Markdown-to-HTML converter we use must support {.attribute} syntax for specifying anchors and classes rather than the clunky HTML-in-Markdown syntax our current notes have to use to be compatible with Jekyll.
  • Any "extra" metadata (e.g., the human language of the lesson) will go into the YAML header of the lesson's index page rather than into a separate configuration file.

Justification and Tutorial

The main Software Carpentry website will contain a one-page tutorial explaining (a) how to create and update lessons and (b) how the various parts of the template support better teaching. A sketch of the second of these is:

  • A standard layout so that:
    1. Lessons have the same look and feel, and can be navigated in predictable ways, even when they are written by different (and multiple) people.
    2. Contributors know where to put things when they are extending or modifying lessons.
    3. Content can more easily be checked. For example, we want to make sure that every learning objective is matched by a challenge, and that every challenge corresponds to one or more learning objectives.
    In the longer term, a standard format will help us build tools, but the format must be justifiable in terms of short-term gains for instructors and learners.
  • One short page per topic: to show each learning sprint explicitly, and to create small chunks for recording timings. The cycle we expect is:
    1. Explain the topic's objectives.
    2. Teach it.
    3. Do one or more challenges (depending on time).
  • Introductory slides: to give learners a sense of where the next couple or three hours are going to take them.
  • Reference guide: because everybody wants a cheat sheet. This includes a glossary of terms to help lesson authors think through what they expect learners to be unfamiliar with, and to make searching through lessons easier.
  • Instructor's guide: our collected wisdom, and solutions to the challenge exercises. Once lessons have been reformatted, we will ask everyone who teaches for us to review and update the instructor's guide for each lesson they taught after each workshop. Note that the instructor's guide (including challenge solutions) will be on the web, both because we believe in openness, and because it's going to be publicly readable anyway.
  • Tools: because machines should check formatting rules, not people.

Overall Layout

Each lesson is stored in a directory laid out as described below. That directory is a self-contained Git repository (i.e., there are no submodules or clever tricks with symbolic links).

  1. index.md: the home page for the lesson. (See "Home Page" below.)
  2. dd-slug.md: the topics in the lesson. dd is a sequence number such as 01, 02, etc., and slug is an abbreviated single-word mnemonic for the topic. Thus, 03-filesys.md is the third topic in this lesson, and is about the filesystem. (Note that we use hyphens rather than underscores in filenames.) See "Topics" below.
  3. motivation.md: slides for a short introductory presentation (three minutes or less) explaining what the lesson is about and why people would want to learn it. See "Introductory Slides" below.
  4. reference.md: a cheat sheet summarizing key terms and commands, syntax, etc., that can be printed and given to learners. See "Reference Guide" below.
  5. instructors.md: the instructor's guide for the lesson. See "Instructor's Guide" below.
  6. code/: a sub-directory containing all code samples. See "Software, Data, and Images" below.
  7. data/: a sub-directory containing all data files for this lesson. See "Software, Data, and Images" below.
  8. img/: images (including plots) used in the lesson. See "Software, Data, and Images" below.
  9. tools/: tools for managing lessons. See "Tools" below.
  10. _layouts/: page layout templates. See "Layout" below.
  11. _includes/: page inclusions. See "Layout" below.

Home Page

index.md must be structured as follows:

layout: lesson
title: Lesson Title
keywords: ["some", "key terms", "in a list"]
Paragraph of introductory material.

> ## Prerequisites
> A short paragraph describing what learners need to know
> before tackling this lesson.

## Topics

* [Topic Title 1](01-slug.html)
* [Topic Title 2](02-slug.html)

## Other Resources

* [Introduction](intro.html)
* [Reference Guide](reference.html)
* [Instructor's Guide](guide.html)


  • The description of prerequisites is prose for human consumption, not a machine-comprehensible list of dependencies. We may supplement the former with the latter once we have more experience with this lesson format and know what we actually want to do. The block must be titled "Prerequisites" so we can detect it and style it properly.
  • Software installation and configuration instructions aren't in the lesson, since they may be shared with other lessons. They will be stored centrally on the Software Carpentry web site and linked from the lessons that need them.


Each topic must be structured as follows:

layout: topic
title: Topic Title
minutes: MM
> ## Learning Objectives {.objectives}
> * Learning objective 1
> * Learning objective 2

Paragraphs of text mixed with:

~~~ {.python}
some code:
    to be displayed
~~~ {.output}
~~~ {.error}
error reports from program (if any)

and possibly including:

> ## Callout Box {.callout}
> An aside of some kind.

> ## Challenge Title {.challenge}
> Description of a single challenge.
> There may be several challenges.


  1. The "expected time" heading is called minutes to encourage people to create topics that are short (10-15 minutes at most).
  2. There are no sub-headings inside a topic other than the ones shown: if a topic needs sub-headings, it should be broken into two or more topics.
  3. We need to figure out how to connect challenges back to learning objectives. Markdown doesn't appear to allow us to add id attributes to list elements, or to create anchors that challenges can refer back to.

Introductory Slides

Every lesson must include a short slide deck suitable for a short presentation (3 minutes or less) that the instructor can use to explain to learners how knowing the subject will help them. Slides are written in Markdown, and compiled into HTML for use with reveal.js.


  1. We should provide an example.

Reference Guide

The reference guide is a cheat sheet for learners to print, doodle on, and take away. The format of the actual guide is deliberately unconstrained for now, since we'll need to see a few before we can decide how they ought to be laid out (or whether they need to be laid out the same way at all).

The last thing in it must be a Level-2 heading called "Glossary" followed by definitions of key terms Each definition must be formatted as a separate blockquote indented with > signs:

layout: reference
...commands and examples...

## Glossary

> **Key Word 1**: the definition
> relevant to the lesson.

> **Key Word 2**: the definition
> relevant to the lesson.

Again, we use blockquotes because standard [sic] Markdown doesn't have a graceful syntax for <div> blocks. If definition lists become part of CommonMark, or if we standardize on Pandoc as our translation engine, we can use definition lists here instead of hacking around with blockquotes.

Instructor's Guide

Many learners will go through the lessons outside of class, so it seems best to keep material for instructors in a separate document, rather than interleaved in the lesson itself. Its structure is:

title: Instructor's Guide
## Overall

One or more paragraphs laying out the lesson's legend.

## General Points

* Point
* Point

## Topic 1

* Point
* Point

## Topic 2

* Point
* Point


  1. The topic headings must match the topic titles. (Yes, we could define these as variables in a configuration file and refer to those variables everywhere, but in this case, repetition will be a lot easier to read, and our validator can check that the titles line up.)
  2. The points can be anything: specific ways to introduce ideas, common mistakes learners make and how to get out of them, or anything else.

Software, Data, and Images

All of the software samples used in the lesson must go in a directory called code/. Stand-alone data files must go in a directory called data/. Groups of related data files must be put together in a sub-directory of data/ with a meaningful (short) name.

Images used in the lessons must go in an img/ directory. We strongly prefer SVG for line drawings, since they are smaller, scale better, and are easier to edit. Screenshots and other raster images must be PNG or JPEG format.


  1. This mirrors the layout a scientist would use for actual work (see Noble's "A Quick Guide to Organizing Computational Biology Projects" or Gentzkow and Shapiro's "Code and Data for the Social Sciences: A Practitioner's Guide").
  2. However, it may cause novice learners problems. If code/program.py includes a hard-wired path to a data file, that path must be either datafile.ext or data/datafile.ext. The first will only work if the program is run with the lesson's root directory as the current working directory, while the second will only work if the program is run from within the code/ directory. This is a learning opportunity for students working from the command line, but a confusing annoyance inside IDEs and the IPython Notebook (where the tool's current working directory is less obvious). And yes, the right answer is to pass filenames on the command line, but that requires learners to understand how to get command line arguments, which isn't something they'll be ready for in the first hour or two.
  3. We have removed the requirement for an index file in the code/ and data/ directories. It is tempting to require code fragments in topics to have an extra attribute src="code/filename.ext" so that we can prune files that are no longer used as lessons change, but that may be more effort than authors are willing to put in.


The tools/ directory contains tool to help create and maintain lessons:

  • tools/check: make sure that everything is formatted properly, and print error messages identifying problems if it's not.
  • tools/build: build the lesson website locally for previewing. This assumes tools/check has given the site a clean bill of health.
  • tools/update: run the right Git commands to update shared files (e.g., layout templates).


The template still contains _layouts/ and _includes/ directories for page layout templates and standard inclusions. These are needed to support lesson preview.

Major Changes

  • We no longer rely on Make. Instead, the two key tools are scripts in the tools/ directory.
  • There is no longer a separate glossary page. Instead, the glossary is part of the reference guide given to learners.
  • The index page no longer lists overall learning objectives, since learning objectives should all be paired with challenges.
  • Topic pages no longer have key points: anything that would have gone here properly belongs in the reference guide.

Feedback from TGAC Instructor Trainees

Participants in the instructor training session run at TGAC on Oct 22-23 gave us feedback on the content shown above. Their points are listed below; we'll try to factor them into the final template.


  • Details +2
  • Lots of technical detail
  • Enables flexibility - adding contents
  • Markdown
  • Helps to structure / think about content
  • Good outline of what you want to do
  • Good organisation
  • Enough detail for somebody who doesn't have much experience
  • Uncomplicated visually
  • Required variables section
  • Proper highlighting for the syntax part
  • Clearly listed variables


  • Assumed knowledge (keywords) +2
  • Not much introduction +2
  • Overwhelming
  • Some terms jargon unclear
  • Not live yet so you can't check if works
  • Mixed instructions (website + Jekyll info)
  • Text on the lesson template needs reordering (restucturing)
  • See Markdown rendered so that it's easier to review
  • Key info down at the bottom
  • More visual info
  • No "Get it touch" info
  • Customizing lessons badly explained
  • Which md and translators to use
  • Colours (background + foreground)
  • example.edu for email


  • Maybe two different overviews (depending on the audience) +2
  • Why these engineering choices were made? (if that was supposed to be simple)
  • Troubleshooting?
  • Shortcut to the "how to set it up and skip the whole info"?
  • How is feedback to lessons made available to others?
  • Metasection on each lesson - which audience it is particularly working well with?
  • Why should we create our own website?

Feedback on this page? Contact us

Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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